Identified the most beneficial foods in muscle building, weight loss, which was reached through research conducted by "Jeff folic" a nutrition and fitness experts as the "University of Connecticut"
In addition to the contents of the eggs are high in protein, and in the yolk, it also contains vitamin B12, which is necessary for fat and muscle shrinking broken. This is in addition to contain vitamin B6, D, and E, iron and zinc phosphate. So recommended capturing the day, but in small numbers to avoid the effects of excess protein on the heart.
The almonds, one of the most important sources of "alpha-tocopherol," which is one of Photos vitamin E, which makes it easier for the body absorbed, where lies the importance of this vitamin in being a powerful antioxidant, and helps prevent muscle destruction during severe exercise, so it is recommended to take as much as Kevin Mmtlitin without causing an increase in weight.
This fish from more foods rich in protein and omega-3 fatty acids, which help to reduce the incidence of the collapse of the protein in the muscle that occurs during exercise. Where the muscles need in this case to compensate a new stock of proteins in quick time before collapsing old stock.
Yogurt in itself is typically a combination of protein and carbohydrates that contribute to build muscle and increase growth. So it is recommended especially sugar-free kind, which contains pieces of fruit that contain more carbohydrates that lead boiling enhance insulin in capturing the blood and reduce the exposure to cracking protein.
In addition to what they contain a piece of meat protein, they represent a powerful source of iron, zinc Almanman to build muscle and creatine, which supplies the body with energy. This is in addition to the minerals that research has shown that lower your blood leads to prostate cancer in men.
Olive oil
Monounsaturated fat in olive oil prevents muscle breakdown, which contains a high proportion of vitamin E, in addition to the single-fat works to reduce the incidence of heart disease and colon cancer, diabetes and osteoporosis.
Up the percentage of water in the muscles to 80% and any decrease in this ratio, even if only 1% would negatively affect athletic performance, as studies have shown that protein synthesis occurs at a higher rate in muscle cells that contain a good percentage of water compared to other dry. So is recommended to take from 5 to 8 glasses of water a day.
Helps caffeinated coffee to extend the body with energy for a longer period, which helps give you a greater opportunity to exercise a private exercise, so it is recommended to take a cup of coffee a few hours of exercise sport before.
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